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Meet Product Designer - Marta Fernández

Marta Fernández

Maker of ingredients for little chefs of play

My job title?

Director of Product Design

What is your typical "day in the life of a designer"?

I start the day trying to create fun stuff and spend the rest of the day thinking how can we make them even more fun.

Design principles you live by?

  • When in doubt, gut feeling always wins

  • Design is a powerful tool, be mindful about how to use it.

  • Think globally and inclusively

  • Always strive to reduce the impact on the environment

  • Design should enforce brand

What problem can't you stop thinking about?

How can we find the balance between creating products that people want to buy and sustainability

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Welcome failure. Is part of the process!

When is "Design done wrong"?

When something makes me spend more time doing a task than the time it should take.

What skill do you wish you picked up really early on?

Knowing how to draw really well is a fantastic skill. the eralier you learn it the better.

Design tools you can’t live without? (Physical and/or digital)

My phone, it has a digital pen that I use a lot. But my favorite tools are pencil and paper. I need them to think😁

Books you highly recommend for anyone pursuing a career in design?

Blue Ocean strategy - W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne

Creativity inc - Ed Catmull

Elon Musk shaping the future - Ashley Vance

Concept: art the book of Art of Crash Bandicoot

Where and What did you study?

Fine Arts

EHU, Spain

Fine Arts

Brera, Italy

Industrial Design

Elisava, Spain

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