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Meet Designer: Priyanka Kodikal

Priyanka Kodikal
I Facilitate Discussions, Create Design Guidelines, Design Interfaces and Workflows, Workshops, Prototype and Test with Artists and Musicians, Apply Learnings, Set Goals, Plan with Roadmaps, Cross-Product Design, Develop and Maintain the Design Domain within the Company, Hiring, Mentorship.

My job title?

Principal Designer

What is your typical "day in the life of a designer"?

I start the day with a dog walk and coffee in the park. Then I plan my tasks for the day. If it's Monday, I plan for the week. I go to meetings and facilitate product discussions. I make space for learning new things when I can.

Desk at Ableton Music

Design principles you live by?

1. Keep it simple, but also know that breaking down complexity into a simple lovable idea is hard.

2. Stay user-informed and data-informed.

3. Fail early and often to learn and grow.

4. Stay curious. Embrace the child in you.

5. Patience. Time is a privilege and it will help you understand what is important to keep and what is important to ignore.

What problem can't you stop thinking about?

Public Services and Governance, Climate Change, Healthcare, Education, and many more. Design has the potential to influence many industries, yet it feels like we just started.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Choose your battles. - To me, this means, knowing what you value most so that you can stay focused and set achievable goals.

When is "Design done wrong"?

Bad Design is when people cannot understand what you just created. Bad Design is when you try to profit from others without consent.

Design tools you can’t live without? (Physical and/or digital)


Paper (always).



Ableton Live


And so much more!

What’s in your bag?

A Rabbit.

Where and What did you study?

Product Design

Interaction Design

Interaction Design

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