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Meet Designer: Haz Roth

Haz Roth

I connect with customers, finding out what is important to them and how my company can better meet their needs. Day to day, I am the advocate for the customer: helping colleagues to understand our customers' perspectives, giving feedback on releases, and communicating to management about strategic change that needs to happen for us to be more competitive

My job title?

Associate Design Director

What is your typical "day in the life of a designer"?

Everyday is different for me and that's what I love. One day, I am having a cup of tea with a customer in their home and another drawing information architecture maps at my desk.

Design principles you live by?

Not sure these are design specific, but:

1. Be kind and respectful of others - design takes patience and empathy.

2. Embrace chaos - design can be messy and that is okay

3. The best is the enemy of the good - show your work early and often

4. Feedback is a gift, not a criticism

5. We affect change - be ethical and mindful in your design decisions

What problem can't you stop thinking about?

How we can live more sustainably. As designers, I think we have a key role to play especially as we are at the solution phase of many products and services. We can suggest new materials and new processes, and visualise new solutions that get people excited. That being said, we need to realise that values alone will not affect change.

We need to work with other people, scientists, business analysts and more to create solutions that fit the business as well as the human need.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

You would be surprised what you can do in 20 minutes

When is "Design done wrong"?

I was taught that there was good design and bad design when I was at uni, but I don't think I agree with what I learnt then. To me, there isn't so much a form factor or movement that is 'bad design', but I do not like wastefulness. It hurts me when a product, especially a mass produced product, hasn't been made with enough investigation into how people will actually use it and so it breaks or hurts, or burns instead of fulfilling its purpose. More and more these days, I am conscious of the materials involved as well - could they have made the same product with more sustainable materials at a similar price point? If yes, I consider this thoughtless design.

What skill do you wish you picked up really early on?

So many, but if I could choose one, it would be to trust others and embrace the unknowns that come with working in a team.

Design tools you can’t live without? (Physical and/or digital)

My phone - everything is on there!

What’s in your bag?

(I am on my way to work) Computer, accessories bag, glasses, hat, gloves, book, lip balm, wallet

Books you highly recommend for anyone pursuing a career in design?

  • Cradle To Cradle - William McDonough & Michael Braungart

  • Service Design Thinking & Doing - Marc Stickdorn

  • Weapons of Math Destruction - Cathy O'Niel

Two Designer friends you admire and we should talk to!

Rory Hamilton - he is such a kind and supportive design leader and has a subtle way of encouraging you to think more creatively

Yasaman Sheri - She is just so impressive and knows so much about technology it is awe inspiring!

Where and What did you study?

Product Design

Glasgow School of Art, Scotland

Interaction Design

CIID, Denmark/Costa Rica

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