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Meet Artist: Chaitanya Krishnan

Chaitanya Krishnan
Facilitate learning at a facility dedicated to the next generation becoming aware of and practicing art and design

My job title?

Faculty at Srishti Manipal Institute of Art Design and Technology

What is your typical "day in the life of a designer"?

I get up in the morning and tackle the current issue at home, of managing a morning dog walk routine with two dogs that don't get along with each other. Once that's done i can get ready for my day.

Decide whether am going to need a car today, or can we manage with the Motorcycle.. most days the motorcycle is just perfect, for the daily commute. This bike is the first thing I got once I started earning, still using it after almost 15yrs.

Once I get to campus, I head straight to class.

I usually have a look at the previous class's output. Usually we put up our printouts on a soft board and i give the students feedback, I then give them instructions for the rest of the day. In my last few classes have taken to making the assignments multi perspective ones, ie. Each student has to do the assignment as two distinct

Personas. For example in the most recent class where We were studying Concept Art, one assignment involved them creating a design brief that would be assigned to another student. They would then beArt Directing the other student. And in the other assignment they would be working on the brief they got in the previous assignment and work on it as Concept Artist.

Design principles you live by?

  1. When in a rut, or struck.. Change your life.. and notice a change in the way you work.

  2. Sketch out your life. Even a bucket list works.

  3. Big changes are hard to achieve. Incremental ones are great, and long lasting.

  4. Build habits. Break habits.

  5. Make time for it. We tend to ignore certain things. Most change and improvement only really occurs, when you make time to work on it.

What problem can't you stop thinking about?

Animal rights.. and universal recognition of them.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

"Get into teaching".

It was advice given to me by a member of my final jury.

I did not follow it.

After 18 Yrs in the industry I was finally drawn to it. Now it's my full time gig. I kick myself for not following it back then.

When is "Design done wrong"?

Design goes wrong when the design team failed to empathise with one group of users and completely neglected their needs (cultural, biological) in their solution.

I see it everyday in the design of public transport vehicles, embarking spaces and washrooms that do not accommodate a wheelchair. It's the year 2022, all vehicles and washrooms should just be compliant.

What skill do you wish you picked up really early on?

Handling finances and planning for the future. Unfortunately this blind spot, also reflected in my design work for many years.

Design tools you can’t live without? (Physical and/or digital)

  • Brush pens. Notebooks(non ruled).

  • My smart phone

  • A good full size gaming mouse, not those tiny ones.

  • A Wacom or similar tablet.

  • Blender

  • Krita.

What’s in your bag?

A 360 degree camera

Selfie stick


Wacom tablet

2 sketchbooks

Atleast 3 brush pens


I stopped carrying a spray can years back, after one accidentally opened and leaked.

Two Designer friends you admire and we should talk to!

Arvind Prabhakar, he is an Experienced Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the Design industry.

Seema Seth, She founded Studio Sky, a brand design and communication firm, in 2010. She was also the co-founder of Footsy, a design-led brand of playful socks (the first of its kind in India).

Where and What did you study?

Communication Design

Srishti School of Art Design and Tech

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